Banking, Lending, and Financial Institutions
Our experience includes analyzing data in relation to audit responses as well as regulatory inquiries and investigations from government bodies ranging from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) as well as state environmental agencies.
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We do more than just litigation and investigations, including outside-the-box projects like helping a major hospital system in with records management and contractual agreements analysis.
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We work with manufacturers, distributors and hospital systems on analysis of data and review of documents in the context of Department of Justice investigations as well as large-scale multidistrict litigation and class actions. Our document review teams understand the complex and sensitive nature of these reviews.
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Sports Leagues and Associations
We work on major cases including health & safety, sexual violence, and compliance with respect to sport leagues and associations, including collecting, analyzing, reviewing and producing documents that span decades.
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We represent carriers, brokers, third-party logistics providers, and logistics software companies in relation to their document management and litigation response work.
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We represent multi-national bulk transmission providers in relation to responding to regulatory inquiries from federal regulatory bodies as well as review records retention policies for compliance with varying federal and state regulations.
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Real Estate & Construction
We handle matters at all stages, including land transactions, planning, building, and dispute resolution.
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