Matthew Bertsch

Director of Forensics

Matt is the Forensics Director at Proteus Discovery Group and provides strategic consulting services to law firm and corporate clients in digital forensics, investigations, eDiscovery, and litigation support. He has assisted clients with a wide variety of engagements in the past 14 years.

Matt's case experience includes legal areas such as theft of trade secrets, spoliation of evidence, internal investigations, employment disputes, and government inquiries. He also advises counsel and corporate personnel on digital forensics and electronic discovery options and strategies as well as creating and conducting CLE seminars.

In his off time, Matt enjoys hiking the Pacific Northwest with his family, gaming with his sons, and umpiring youth baseball.

Reach Matthew at

B.S., Computer Science, Portland State University, 2007

EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE)

IACIS Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE)

IACIS Certified Mobile Device Examiner (ICMDE)

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